We have updated our late cancel/no-show auto waivers
- Unlimited members will now receive two FREE waivers every 30 days.
- Once the two waivers have been used within the past 30 days a late cancel / no show fee applies.
- Waivers are calculated on a rolling 30 day period, starting from the time of processing (48 hours later).
- The system will scan the past 30 days to determine if waivers have been used and charge accordingly.
* Please note that when a fee is waived you will receive an email automation advising of this to help keep you on track.
You can view our full Late Cancellation & No Show Policies here.
An example of how this works…
- John is a no show for the 16/06 – the system will scan 30 days prior at the time of processing (on 18th), there are no previous late cancels / no shows to date. #1 free waiver is applied to the no show class on 16/06.
- John then late cancels on the 24/06 – the system will scan back 30 days prior at the time of processing (on 26th). It picks up no show record from the 16/06. #2 free waiver is applied to the late cancel on 24/06.
- John is a no show on the 02/07 – at the time of processing the system scans back 30 days, takes into account the above 2 free waivers and then charges the first no show.